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  • Oncidium orchid with pseudobulb

    Oncidium orchid with pseudobulb

  • Phalaenopsis orchid without pseudobulb

    Phalaenopsis orchid without pseudobulb



How often should orchids be watered?

One general rule of thumb for watering orchids is to water them “weekly weakly” — or once a week with a weak (diluted) fertilizer solution.

Here are some additional watering tips:

1. Allow the plants to approach dryness, gauged by pot weight or by the pencil trick. The point of a sharpened lead pencil will darken with moisture if the plant has sufficient water.

2. Apply enough water so that it runs freely through the pot. Never allow any potted plant to sit in its own water.

3. Flowering plants may require more frequent waterings to meet the greater burden of the flowers.

4. Plants will require less water when not in active growth, generally in the winter months, and more while growing, generally spring and summer months.

Increased frequency of watering will not make up for a poor root system. If the roots are not plump and alive, it might be time to repot.

If the plant was recently repotted, raised humidity might be required to compensate for the lack of supporting roots.

Plants with thinner, softer foliage will generally require more water than those with harder, more succulent leaves.

Plants with pseudobulbs — such as cattleyas. dendrobiums or oncidiums — generally like to dry out more between waterings than those without pseudobulbs, such as phalaenopsis.

Pseudobulbs, unlike true bulbs, corms or tubers, are thickened stems at the base of growths in some orchids. They serve as storage organs, primarily for water and nutrients. They are more likely to be present in orchids that experience drought conditions in their natural habitats.

Pseudobulbs differ widely in appearance among the many types of orchids that have them.

Generally, orchids with pseudobulbs like a consistent moisture supply during the year. Check the pseudobulbs; when properly watered, they should be firm and upright with no wrinkles.

Orchids without pseudobulbs, such as phalaenopsis, need less water in winter so the plant can rest.

For information, call 909-798-9384.

Source: Joyce Dean, a member of the Riverside-San Bernardino Counties Orchid Society